Today, I:
- danced gangnam style 12 times
- danced the Macarena
- danced the chicken dance 8 times
- serenaded
• miss cowghill (someone like you)
• miss savage (nothing on you shouted across the quad)
• a lot of random yr 7s
• some poor yr 11 (i'm yours on a borrowed ukulele in physics.)
• a group of year 8s on their robbed guitar (Friday)
- belted "I'm a Barbie girl" and "Friday" to a weirded out quad
- drove a physics class nuts with call me maybe
- made fart noises in a bio class
- "confiscated" someone's phone for texting in bio class
- taught a perms and combs class in math
- edited a bunch of ext1 short stories
- acted out othello
- took ancient history notes
- rapped about boudecia(?) (some british warrior queen)
- charades in ancient history based on wilu-something
- drew mr blundon in physics on the white board.
- played 'fairy tale space jump'
- played 'honey, smile for me'
- acted out Downtown :D
- talked about Yu-gi-oh with some yr7s.
- stole the soccer ball from the back oval boys in yr 11
- grabbed a guy and told him I'm pregnant (he ran away lololol)
- chased Jaewoo because I was supposed to 'dack' him.
- dackked sid (sorry dude...) [he was wearing a skirt and tights]
- dressed up in a brown Afro and the ruby moon dress from drama. Apparently I looked too much like Annie so they put make up on me
- sung the Annie "tomorrow song" to an ext1eng class.
- third wheeled a very awkward yr 11 couple (was told to)
- ran around the quad screaming "the rapture is coming! YOLO!" and grabbing people's faces.
- bursting into random classrooms shouting "did you miss me?"
- stole mr blundon's pen
- took notes and did odd jobs for teachers
overall, it was an intense, tiring experience that was actually kind of fun :p