Saturday, June 9, 2012

Trivia night

lol when i came home i was so tired i was falling asleep in the shower, falling asleep while blowdrying hair, i'm amazing.

although that was after i ate four slices of pizza. :p


although we didn't win, we still did pretty well, and we certainly played the best pictionary game in quite possible the entire world.

and lol sports section.



I showed my mum nyan cat today. she thought it was the dumbest thing ever.

So naturally this made me want to learn to play it on piano.


you can get the sheet music here if you're interested.


I've been trying to not drink coffee, so i decided to drink chai lattes instead.

And then, cause i felt like it, i put a heart on it.

And then, cause i felt like it, i put it on my blog.

(my room is messy)


anyway, some lols while i go finish ext2.

I saw this and all i thought was "NAVIGATING THE GLOBAL !@#%&#^%(*!u)!(@#"


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Inception dreams and tummy talks.

So last night i went to sleep at like 10pm, cause i'm so tired nowadays.

Anyway, i remember having this weird dream about some of the prefects being wizards at hogwarts, and then we worke up and were discussing having the same dream about being wizards in hogwarts, which was silly.

And then i woke up, again, and i was telling KF about my weird inception dream.


Weirdest dream EVER.

Also today, i woke up at 6 something, and so i was ridiculously hungry at 4, having been awake for 10 hours and eating the same amount of food i would usually eat in 7.

So when i went to my cousin's, we were doing maths. Then suddenly his stomach growled, and i laughed at him. Then about 5 minutes later, mine growled too. This proceeded for about 10 minutes, when the stomachs would growl in turn.

Then, my stomach decided it wasn't being loud enough, so it decided to have a competition with it's rival loud stomach.

I think it's record was like 30 seconds, really loud.

By the end all you could hear was my cousin's laughter and my stomach.

Was quite sad.

ok. i should go back to ext2. lol.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Hot date.

I wanted to write a long response on crysbea chicken's cat call post, but that will have to wait till i am less busy.

 EL is so sweet, i think i was quite slack to her unawares today... But i thought our movie date watching The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel was nice :) Although she was writing notes on her laptop and the only other people in the cinema were elderly couples, i felt that we had amazing chemistry and are meant for each other. I apologise Sweeney hates me, but i am sure it will not effect your mark at all.
(EL, you da one.)

oh, here's the trailer if you are interest.

i actually thought it was a really interesting movie, even if only old people watched it. I cried like 4 times though haha. But that's probably because i cry in all movies. Even the action ones. :P


 I have recently got call me maybe stuck in numerous peoples heads who all hate me now. :D

So when i saw this online i died a little.

Kind of how i feel whenever i do legal. WOW THIS TEXTBOOK IS GOOD LOL.

Speaking of funny, trivia night is on friday! But i will not allow myself to library on thursday since i need to finish ext2 lol.

going to do that now.

bye kids.

Here's some funnies for you, since i'm too lazy to write a real post.

You're in for it now...

Monday, June 4, 2012

that awkward moment...

So today i spent most of the day, instead of writing ext2 edits, playing the legend of zelda: ocarina of time.

really quite sad. though it is a revisit to my childhood :)

something hilarious today.

[bethany turns on music.]
[alysha starts to bop and move arms, 'dancing']
bethany: careful.
[alysha looks at her blankly]
alysha: wha?
bethany: you almost tripped.
alysha: ... i was dancing...
bethany: ... LOL.
alysha: i shall just leave now. and die in a hole.