Sunday, January 1, 2012

Hello, Goodbye.

Well 2011 is ending. It's only 20minutes away till 2012.

And with 2012 will bring new challenges, new choices, new memories and hopefully new friends.

But i guess i should look back at 11 things of 2011 and the awesomeness it contained.

1. 2011 French trip.
Although I did loose money, and spent heaps, I think it was worth it. Forging new friendships, forever lasting moments. Getting lost on a rainy night in Paris, loosing it on a snowy mountain, climbing the never ending staircase of the arc de triomphe, feeling the love of my host family, rushing lunches to zoom to the school library for that free hour of internet connection and msn, meeting Regine, meeting Quatarian royalty and my first snowfall. I learnt much, lost much, and loved much. Thanks for all the people that made the trip for me.

2. Meeting Milly (and all the rest of the new kids. not that i love you less or anything.)
Actually an amazing and significant part of this year. The girl who has become part of my school life and can't really imagine it without her now. :) As well as Crystal, Anahita, Dayanan & Nick, i'm really glad i got to know all you guys, you make me smile :)

3. Actually having to take school seriously.
Although i can't really remember much of anything other than term 4 in terms of study, i have a vague recollection of actually trying hard for the first time in school. Although i still slept throughout most of legal haha. (still do) But actually having subjects you choose and the amazing fact the NOT EVERYONE DOES MATH. Also it was a great conversation starter in the beginning of the year. "so what subjects do YOU do?"

4. KYCK 2011
"BROOKLYN BROOKLYN WE GO HARD", discussions of what Christianity really means, prank calls and fuzzy wuzzys, as well as serious asmathic attacks and other related drama.

5. Prefecture
Which is insane.

6. Apple related products
Or really, just my phone. i don't know how i lived without it.

7. Intense library study sessions
Where i don't think i actually studied much, if i think back to castle hill library sessions. Although i can't really forget how much laughter was involved, including year round birthday diaries, hermits, superheros, halloween parties in libraries and a series of photographs that should not ever be shown to others outside the knowledge circle.

Also where self study and self + 1 study in Parramatta library, where i am now such a familiar face the librarians know my name and i even recommended Jacaranda for the study section and they took my advice. Wacky.

8. Formspring
Where the craziness of gradelove lead to a few formspring accounts which lead to like a bajillion and 5. Not really. But alot.

9. Semi formal

10. General Ruse relations (OBB & musical), online gaming (em, risk and that one sketch/online pictionary thing)
Meeting new people :)

11. Baulko live aid & other perfomances
Although what i mostly remember of live aid was the intense organisation, the second thing i remember was the sheer terror of performing with a guitar. Also much much later with a ukulele, but that was a bit more entertaining.


I finished to watch the fireworks and countdown with my family, but i came back to think about 2012 itself.

And it's here. The year of HSC.

But i guess we should remember, it's also the last year of high school. So i hope that this year i won't flip out too much and treasure every moment i have at school, at make use of this year to the max.

New year resolutions? Some. :) But their mostly incredibly weird and emotional, apart from DO NOT FAIL HSC. haha.

Makes me think of new year's eve, the movie. Can't believe it was the zeffron. Did not recognise him at all. Until the credits. HAH.


Goodbye 2011. Thankyou for making me smile, cry, think, laugh and be happy in general. I'll always remember you.



  1. :')
    thats all i can say. this post is lovely and makes me smile!
    especially number 2. and number 1 and 4 and 6.
    I thought i was over him but then i watched NYE and I"M NOT! HE + MICHELE PFIEFFER = AWESSSOME! His dancing at the end was awesome. ok i will stop gushing.

  2. haha thanks bea :)
    and yes, everyone loves the zeffron. lulz.
