Sunday, August 26, 2012

Fantasy Lands and Milk Pudding :)

So despite being ridiculously sick, thanks to my miraculous healing powers, i mangaged to overcome the nasuea and feverish friday evening with 18 straight hours of sleep (broken by the occasional drinking of chinese herbal crap and swallowing tablets and drinking rivers dry) to stagger out of the house on saturday to go to USYD and UTS open day.

Although i did miss out on Spring Fling, which is kind of sad.

To be perfectly honest though, having gone to USYD yesterday only affirmed my original decision: if not USYD law/arts, then USYD arts and then transfer.

I went to a  moot court session! It was amazing!  But everyone around me found the entire process incredibly boring, yet i was continually excited by every rebut and mention of a legal case.

I told this to my dad and he said "good. guess you haven't got that much competition after all" haha.

Also, the only thing i can say about UTS is that it's really very... fun looking. haha. Their open day was like a festival.

I liked the balloons :)

Also, it was nice to keep running into people that I knew all around USYD and stuff. Also, when i went to catch the train, i ran into some baulko kids literally waiting at for the train. So cool haha.

Although i literally came home and was so dead, i just collasped into bed and slept for another like 12 hours.

One thing i hate about being sick is that you can't breathe through your nose when you have a blocked nose. So you have to breathe through your mouth. It feels kinda wrong.

It also makes eating rather uncomfortable.

Today was pretty crazy, awesome lecture on Hebrews 5:11 to 6:12. Was scarily relevent to me... haha. But then, any passage on laziness and diligence, as well as leadership and development of faith probably would relate to any teen :p

What i liked about today was i got to go shopping for snacks :3

Bought some awesome japanese food, one i ate at the park and the other at home JUST NOW IT WAS SO TASTY.

 FIRSTLY, if you haven't been to fuji pan i really do recommend it. It's a super cute japanese bakery near chinatown that sells a large assortment (though perhaps not as large as breadtop) of asian buns. BUT it had what i've wanted to try for a long time: Japanese Melon Bread! Having read about it in mangs for so long I've been dying to try it, and now i finally have!

It kinda reminds me of Asian "pinapple" bread, but not sticky. It's really nice though! :)

Also, i had this just then, it's awesome! Eastwood Breadtop. (My mum went grocery shopping and i got hungry, so i bought a red bean bun and this to take home.) It's so cute, it came in it's own bottle and all, i couldn't resist.

And it tasted AMAZING, SO GOOD. Will probably be bought whenever i can get my hands on it haha. I have to learn how to make it...

Anyway. That's it on food.


So today we had FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT!!!!!! We watched John Carter.
And regardless of reviews it got (they were all pretty bad), my mum and I both agreed it was AWESOME. (Which is quite rare, we both usually don't like major movies and can predict the plot line.) There was this CRAZY TWIST and we were both like asodigjsoainrhwawieuphgaweirng!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I wish it did better, i would have LOVED a second movie.

Now i really want to read ALL the books :p

anyway, i should sleep soon.

Here's an awesome Doctor who/Avengers thing i saw that made me smile.
Dawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, Doctor Who, the ultimate wingman. :)

Bye guys!

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