Saturday, August 11, 2012


So instead of doing ext2eng or ext1maths, i'll make a post.

So my mum got a pottermore account today, just to find out which house she's in, since my siblings and i all had beta accounts.

Just so you know, my brother and I are Ravenclaw kids, and my sis is a Hufflepuff.

To which a large amount of jokes go.

Especially since we all can never find things, so when my sister always found our stuff and complained, we are all just like...
ehe hehe heh...

Anyway, so well all thought and discussed for a while (cause getting to the sorting part takes for ever) about what house our mum would potentially be in.

We all decided it would defs not be gryffindor (i dare say that no one in my family is particularly brave lul) and we thought for sure she'd be a slytherin.

And then she got sorted.

And she was a Hufflepuff.

and me and my bro were like
because my mum was all
my sister was like...
"Mum can't be in Hufflepuff, she can't find things."

 Also,   just for the Starkids...
I congradulate anyonewho is born on the 21st March - 20th April, and for them to wait for someone who is a 10, "because you're worth it."

Also cangradulations to those born on 22nd June - 22nd July, you are a "sexy humanitarian(?)" [it's been a while since ive watched.]


Also was watching the goblet of fire again recently, and at the dragon scene i was all:

 hehe. Am learning to play on guitar. It's hard...


onto more potter-ness, i REALLLY WANTED TO SEE THIS   
but i think it has bad times for HSC kids. :(

Am quite the depressed.

anyway, to close with the immortal words of Doctor Who.

(you may now read the closing theme song.)

DOOO WEEEEE OOOOOOH (dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dummmmm) DOOO WOOO OOOOOOOH (dum dum dummmmm dum dudududmmm dum dum dummmmm) WOOO OOOH OOOOOH OOOOOOOOH OH OHHHHHHHHH OOOOH OOOOOOO........ DOOO WEEEEE OOOOOOH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (dum dum dum dadadadadaddum!)

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