Thursday, November 8, 2012

Practically Professional.

So I've started working 9 to 5.

It's pretty tiring.

Although I don't even do much. Just reception and packing and things.

The best thing is they have a coffee machine. It's been fueling my caffeine addiction.

Although sometimes I am unsure as to whether I like coffee or coffee flavored hot sugary milk :p

It's nice here, it's a small company and everyone's really friendly :)

I think it's cause it's a family business, so everyone is close cause there's so few people. My cousin's (in law? He married my cousin) dad heads the group, so as the eldest son he mostly helps run it. The the other brother does accounts and shipping. And they have a bunch of people as well as me :D


My cousin was driving me back home, talking about what I want to do in the future. When I told him I wanted to work in a big law firm or as an in house lawyer. And then he was like "i hope I'm not being too chauvinistic, but I'm assuming you want to get married and have children. So won't you be working for like 5-6 years before you have kids? And then you'll leave work. The greatest thing is if you marry the right guy and never have to work and stay at home taking care of the kids. If you work at a big law firm, won't you be at the bottom for 5years? And then you'll have to leave. It's too sad."

And I didn't say anything. You guys impressed? Lol.

Anyway, I don't think majority of families in our society can afford to live on a single income. So regardless I'll probably not stop working completely ever. EVER.

 Besides, I like the idea of climbing that corporate ladder :p


Something I do at work is flick through home design magazines to try and did references to the company products. It's really fun, cause I like interior design :p

if I had money I would totally renovate houses and such :D (I decided a while ago if I failed HSC and got like 60ATAR I'll go do interior design and embrace my poor poor future, where you're a vegetarian/vegan only because you can't afford meat LOLOL.)

But yeah, flicking through this stuff, it kinda makes me want to take all the magazines home and make scrap books lol.

 Or get a pininterest.

 I've wanted one for a while, but haven't acted upon yet.

We'll see if I do lol.


Because I'm working all the time, I come home and I'm pretty tired, so I haven't written much for nano. I've taken to handwriting some of it out in a notebook during work to try and catch up. But now I have no idea what the word count is.


I'll have to type like crazy on a Saturday.

But I wanted to go to the markets on saturday :(

oh wells.


I taught my mum how to play this ps3 game the other day, now she can't wait everyday for me to come home and play with her lol. So cute. (she refuses to play with my siblings cause try need to study haha)

she was like to me while we were gaming "I don't want you to go to work... I don't have work tomorrow so I wanna play with you." Ngawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :)

Although the gaming is cutting into my writing time, I can't help it. She's so cute :3

Also congrats to all those kids who've finished after chem :D welcome to freedom lol. :D

have a meme to celebrate.

EPILEPSY IN 3,2,....


1 comment:

  1. Eee your mum is like my mum! Whenever I was at home during the HSC she always called from work "because she missed my voice".
