Thursday, March 22, 2012


You know, studying for exams is intense.

To make it more intense, try not studying. It's peaceful and stressful at the same time. I think nothing really beats it.

Also recently I've been studying at my favorite library, but it's progressively getting less and less productively the more people I get to know. Soon I shall have to buy silencing head phones to block out all noise like ML.

Which is funny, on the topic of ML, people who have asked whether we are siblings have increased to 4.

And I haven't written in a while so this may seem kind of ranty.

But I probably will write a lot more regularly now that I have a blogger app on my phone. It makes things considerably easier.

Anyway the point of this blog was:

Have you ever felt like everything that was happening to you was so ridiculously unjust you were so mad and crying at the same time? I didn't know whether to scream or cry.

Also I think the closer you are to a person the less you fight, but the more explosive the fights are.

On a more positive note, or negative, depending on how you look at it, they've chosen the next Doctor Who companion.

Jenna Coleman. I think she's quite pretty. She's in captain America apparently.

And after exams are over I'm going to watch some of her stuff again.

Also I thought I would die today. Hermit is a hermit for a reason. Man, if looks could kill...

All in all, today was interesting, and plea bargaining means the same as case conferencing, though they sound nothing alike.

Bye kids.

And just to test the photo capabilities on this, I'll chuck in a photo of my cafe coffee.


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