Friday, March 30, 2012

4 a.m

I can't seem to sleep.

I've been going around reading everyone's blog and emails and things.

I even changed the blog user interface and sutff to the new designs. It's actually quite good. Better than facebook timeline.

Speaking of facebook, hilarity on my upload of the bread. Don't even understand quite what happenned there. Just turn around and suddenly there's 150+ comments and i though WOW PEOPLE MUST LIKE FREE BREAD. But in fact it was all just trolls and general rudeness.

Really, why do people behave like that on facebook? I don't quite understand. What really is the point of going around and just waiting for a lots of commented thing to go and slam people and like your own comments and not even speak english? i could not understand a single word of some comments. And then they still got like 8 likes. I don't understand. do you like the comment because you could understand the strange language, or because you couldn't or because it was just plain stupid. Because in no way was it amusing.

Even JJ's tv shows are funnier.

I should sleep, I'm being lulled into a false sense of security because i have no exam till monday.

Things that don't help you sleep that are supposed to:

- listening to music. but that may be because i only listen to stuff with lots of drums and guitar riffs.
- Drinking milk. That just makes me thirsty.
- Counting sheep. I start imagining where the sheep go and what they do and make up stoires about them and before long my over active imagination is enjoying itself and i'm not tired at all.
- Close your eyes and breathe. Because i get all twitchy and want to move or scratch or something.
- Reading. Because i get too involved in the story.

Speaking of reading i picked up this second hand book the other day called "turning on the girls" by Cheyrl Bernard.

I know. It sounds dirty but let me finish.

Basically, she postualtes that in a world that is completely run by females, the world is a better place.

However, like any new society, new ways of thinking must be organised, removing and changing the old ways of thinking.

One of them being romantic fantasies.

The character's job in this novel is to write these new politically correct fantasies appropriate for the modern woman in this new matriarchal society.

Which makes me think of Ang sung soo ki's speech, which i actually found inspirational.

Maybe i am a bit of feminist, i don't know.

Anyway, the point that the novel was trying to make was bringing up the flaws in our society and government system and trying to stress the importance of the role of women. I'm just going to say this, i might get backlash, but whatever, modern women have to deal with a lot more things than men. Family, job, housekeeping. Women try to balance traditional, patriarchal concepts of what it means to be feminine and a good wife, as well as maintaining the modern meaning of success and wholesomeness by having a good paying job and working.

At least, this is what i see from my mother, who i think is a wonder woman.

And men don't really have to do this.

So i say, women, go a feel good about yourselves.

Although i think the concept of what it means to be a woman and what it means to be a man in this modern society is changing. Which i'm glad. I hope it's moving more to equality.

Especially since in most Muslim countries (and a lot more countries are becoming muslim) women have next to no rights at all. Which makes me sad. At the age of 14 a girl can be married off as a 2nd of 3rd wife and expected to have at least 3 children by the age of 17 in these countries. And all they are asked to do is take care of the house and the children and clean the floors and all other domestic tasks.

You know, apparently a woman can be stoned for being too outspoken, and killed if she talks back to a man?

I figure i'd die pretty early if i were in a muslim country.

I find it disgusting.

And heart rendering.

Also, the book is pretty interesting.

Even if it does sound kinda dirty.

bye guys

i should sleep. or try to sleep.


  1. I wish there were a thing that made you sleep. In year 6, a guy said that "thinking of ice cream, legit."

  2. HAHA REALLY? ice cream... shall try that one.
