Friday, April 27, 2012

I'm happy :)

Regardless of crappy marks, i had enough good things that happened to me today to make it worth it. LTEC, cloud watching, hearing news about camp and jersey and disco...

But i think easily the coolest thing was when Mac praised my english accent scrip read and gave me a hug. Yup. A HUG people.

AND THEN during ext2 check up with Bob and Mac they both were praising my concept and saying its really original and they expect it to do really well.... Aha im so happy :)

And we had the traditional friday night movie :) George of the Jungle, haven't seen that one in a long time. I got all the clever inter textual references and the breaking the fourth wall stuff, it was funnier than i remember. It's so cool when you go back and watch movies from your childhood and you just get all the references... :)
here's the trailer...

The only thing that was weird about today was that weird stalker dude at the library... he kept turning around randomly for no reason trying to get eye contact and he talked to me once, asking me about the internet and i was just like, i dunno... and then plugged ear phones in. And so he packed up and just sat there, talking on the phone and looking at me, turning around to look at me mind you, not sitting opposite to me and accidentally having eye contact. His back was facing me and every time i looked up i saw him turn around, it was weird.

And the creepiest part is that after he had finished packing up and stuff, he was just sitting there on the phone. My dad texted me to wait downstairs for him, so i packed up and stood up AND SO DID HE.

So i legged it.

And i seriously hope he doesn't show up at the library again... even if it was coincidence, it was still severely creepy...

anyway, i hope you're happy with your results, and if you're not, don't worry. It's not important. Just do better on the next one. :)

Bye kids.

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