Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter :)

Here's something i read today, hard to swallow but good:

the dilemma: man the sinner owes God, on account of sin, what he cannot repay, and unless he repays it he cannot be saved.

There is no one who CAN make this (payment) but God himself.

But noone OUGHT to make it except man (cos we are the ones who have stolen from him by sinning).

Therefore it is necessary for one who is God-man to make this payment, since no one can do it except one who is trully God, and no one OUGHT to make it except one who is truly man.

how great our sins must be that only a God can repay it. And how perfect is Jesus sacrifice- so much that it can pay for all the sins of history.

This Easter, I hope you guys remember that Easter can change your life. Don't let it just change your day.

Happy Easter everyone :)

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