Thursday, January 5, 2012

Memories and Memes.

So today was French trip reunion. :3 a whole year since i got a jetplane for 12 hours, then stayed in korea, then went on another plane for 11 hours, and landed in the most wonderful city (other than London.)

Paris (holds the key to your heart~. Yes that was an Anastaisa song reference. Actually i only understood half the french lines in that song after 4 years of french study. How sad.)

Speaking of the reunion, it really was just BT, RH and HH at R house. Which isn't really a whole group reunion, but hey, it pretty much was all who i actually hanged out with in Paris.

You guys are the best.

Things i learnt/remembered today:
- Pui de dome deux. RH's hill walking to her house. Nearly lost my mind, but R lost hers.
- Pancake mix must be tapped to make sure the flour doesn't stick to the bottle.
- Pancake mix surprisingly tastes really nice
- The difference between French Vanilla ice cream and Vanilla ice cream is really distinct. French Vanilla actually tastes like vanilla extract/vanilla paste, where as plain vanilla just tastes like nothing.
- RH is really clean
- I suck at snap
- RH's bro is very awks
- Something about an awkward palmtree? (Still don't know. but awkward eagles are cool.)
- Shopping with guys are not always an awkward experience. If they shop as much as girls, it can actually be annoying. It makes me wonder what a guy who doesn't like shopping actually feels like when shopping with a girl.
- I'm never going to get my money from Ian Kim
- HH initial judgement of people is pretty good.


now onto rellikami's meme. Although i will not try to demolish it, as he so accurately puts it. I actually think it's kind of interesting.

Hidden Hypotheticals:
  1. Quick! You have to choose a superpower to fight a hoard of zombies. What do you choose?
    The powers of Wolverine. Fast, strong, physically superior in athletism, with instant regeneration abilities and freaking swords in his hands.

    Unless you consider that to be more than one superpower, in which case teleportation, so i can get the hell out of there.

  2. You are asked to give a speech in front of the whole school. What do you talk about?

    nah i dunno. Probably something on the lines of not being so absorbed in your own little facebook bubbles and the importance of altruism...
  3. You're planning a scavenger hunt with all your friends. What do you include on the list of things to find? 
    Places, events and one chance finds.

    So things like the three monkey pub, a photo with a bald guy, sticker photos at Capital, Orangina, a pen from a buisness, a reciept for ice cream at passionflower, a jumpshot in front of a fountain, a photo of someone climbing a tree, a purple flower...

    random things.
  4. You discover that one of your long lost relatives is actually Mrs. Bennett from Pride and Prejudice. How do you react?
    Does that mean that I'm living in the Victorian ages? This question is kind of stupid. Mrs Bennet's personality would completely change due to the context of our times, as would all her daughters and Mr Darcy. And if i were living in Victorian times, my personality would be different as well.

    Therefore, i assume you mean that my relative mrs bennett is an ancestor. Thus, I am surprised that she's not fictional, further surprised that i have a white ancestor, and then meh because she's dead.

    And also kinda weirded out because that means i'm related to Mr Darcy.
  5. Imagine that North Korea asks (and by ask they mean command) you to be their new "Glorious Leader". What is the first policy you implement?No more communism! Free North Korea and allow them to become a democratic state.

    But someone would probably kill me. Oh well.
  6. Tomorrow you are going to take on a Bear Grylls style adventure where they drop you in the middle of no where and you must find some sort of civilisation. How do you prepare?
    Pray. Make sure i have internet connection on my phone, so that i can use a map. Bring HUGE backpack with sleeping bag, matches, waterbottle, saucepan, water purifiers, salt, sharpened swiss army knife, torch, anti-bug spray, camera and med kit containting antihistamines, antiseptics, astma puffers and bandages.
Rugged Randoms

  1. Who do you talk to most on msn?
  2. What is your favourite time of day?
    Well, my favourite time of the day is late afternoon... Bit of an issue here. :p
  3. Do you listen to the radio, and if so, which radio station do you listen to?
    Only in the car. FM 103.2
  4. What do you do as part of your 'morning routine'?
    Get up. Get dressed. Brush teeth. Out of the door. (Y)
    I remember for French we had to describe our morning routine with like 15 actions. I had to lie, because that is literally all i do.
  5. Who is your favourite NBA player? (had to have this in here somewhere :D)ERGH.

    I honestly don't have one. This question gives no leeway for those who don't know NBA.
  6. Is society slowly heading towards total destruction?
    Well really it depends on what you consider "society". Taking from Navigating the Global, society could really mean anything, from a Global society to local society to the society for preservation of raptors.

    AND then you really have to explain what you mean by destruction. Do you mean destruction of values or destruction as in the apocolyptic sense or even destruction of order and a descent into anarachy?

    So it really is too vague. Also shouldn't this be a philosophical question?
Fancy Philosophicals:

  1. Pro choice? Pro life? Pick one and justify.
    Pro life. Even in rape situations, i think a life is a life. It doesn't matter how, it's still a person who has the potential to change the world. And it's not the baby's fault.
  2. Should students be forced to wear uniforms? Personally i like uniforms. It means I don't have to worry about looking good at school, because everyone looks crappy in puke yellow anyway. 
  3. Do you think that the existence of life on Earth is simply due to fantastical coincidence?
    Good grief no. I believe in a Creator, a person who fashioned everyone and eveything, and truely loves us. A creator who came down to earth as a man, died for us, and then rose again. :)
  4. Do you think that the world's best phone or the world's best computer is more useful?
    Computer. It can keep notes on it for study. end of discussion.
  5. Politicians are ruining our country. Discuss.
    Yes. I don't think they really care about the people at all. Look past all your own pride and think about the community.
  6. Why is it that butter alone tastes horrible but is necessary in almost all pastries?
    Because butter is awesome. And i personally like butter on bread. (Y) Pastries need butter because it's a fat. It works like a binder.
Interesting Inquiries:
  1. Can you pull a good poker face?
    Better than you can. :3
  2. Are you the type of person who wishes everyone in your contacts a Happy New Year?
    Not everyone. only the people who are important to me, and i send them individual long posts. Then whoever sends me a happy new year text gets one in reply as well.
  3. What do you think is the most important job?
    Parents. Because they shape people to who they are. It can be questioned nature vs nuture, but parents give both. Especially in education and such.
  4. Are apple products overrated? 
    No. I love my iphone. (Y)
  5. What do you think happened to the baby in the banana boat ads? 
    He grew up rich, and no one knew the wiser.
  6. Which is your favourite pokemon and why?
    I had a sad childhood and didn't get to watch pokemon. Thus i only know some pokemon. Therefore, my favourite pokemon is pikachu, seeing as i know pratically no other.

    I like jigglypuff though. :) It sings. (i think)
Yes, that is all. Bye kids.

    Sunday, January 1, 2012

    A typical day in the life of me: Act 1

    If my life were a play:
    [Alysha is on the computer researching for costume design project/reading shojo manga/ reading harry potter troll comics]
    Alysha: i'm hungry...
    Alysha realises the time is like 10:00pm
    Alysha: Hey... dinner should have been like 3hours ago... [Walks upstairs purposefully] Mum I'm Hungry!
    [Distant screaming] Mother: I DIDN'T MAKE DINNER TONIGHT!
    Alysha: WHY?
    [Alysha pulls out cereal box and milk. Makes herself a bowl and goes straight back to the computer.]
    Alysha: ... This bowl has seaweed on the side... ... ... meh.

    End scene.


    Although seriously, why do they call it break fast cereal when it can be used for any meal?

    and if you're wondering about the harry potter troll comics, they can all be found at this geniuses tumblr:

    And here is an example:

    Incredibly awesome right? haha i've always wondered about that too. 

    Shojo manga continued

    ANYWAY i'll finish this list cause i should have done it ages ago then i'll write something actually about the new year...

    beginning the year tying up lose ends. fair enough.



    These are EVERYWHERE. In almost any manga you read, you are guaranteed to find at least one of these occurrences. don't laugh at how ridiculous they are, i didn't make it up ok?

    1. an accidental kiss
    In the shojo manga world, this happens more often than me not understanding what is going on in chemistry class (which unfortunately is almost every lesson.) As the name suggests, an accidental is kiss is where the two characters either move or fall over just to hit lips with each other entirely by chance. For example, one might turn around in a crowded train, fall forward onto some random who just happens to be a handsome boy and accidental lock lips with him. Whoops. But hey, it's a pleasant surprise right? Not for everyone who saw it coming though...

    2. A school cultural festival.
    Specially mentioned for the category "school life," this event, I guarantee, will happen in almost every 2nd manga you read. Or almost all. Pretty much. A school cultural festival, however, does not even celebrate traditional Japanese culture as you would expect it too. Rather, it has cool stands like maid cafes and animal cosplay cafes and class plays where the main girl character dresses up as something ridiculously cute-Alice in wonderland etc a princess (SWITCH GIRL) Actually, any type of cosplay event. Because cosplay brings out the best in people. (Y)
    ie. perfect legs, cute faces and wonderful opportunities for fan service.

    3. A school trip
    Most often to place like kyoto or nara, cause all schools are in tokyo, this is because, apparently, "you loose control on a school trip and develop relationships", and thus it is the perfect time to confess your love. HOT SPRINGS, hiking where the main girl char gets lost in the foliage cos their teachers in shojo manga world are so useless, temples and praying for marriage/red string of fate

    4. The main character gets saved from being raped.
    Tired of how your relationship with your boyfriend seems to be getting worse? How he seems to not be paying attention to you? Or did you just have a fight with him? Never fear, your (not-so)friendly neighbourhood rapist is here! So just as you're about to go home, picture this; it's dark, it's late. You're all alone in the streets. Recently, you've been hearing on the news a rapist is around, but don't worry, nothing will happen to you! NOT. suddenly, out of nowhere, an ugly fat guy with lots of pimples pounces! it's the rapist! and obviously, you have no strength to fight him off. As he is about to pull your clothes off, a tear runs down your cheek as you cry out for someone-kun, your beloved boyfriend who you'd much rather be spending time with. But don't worry, dum-dah-dah-dah! Someone-kun arrives, and thoroughly punches the rapist out, threatening him never to come near you again (forget about calling the police, that's not romantic, that's just sensible). In tears, he asks you if you're all right. shaking by your experience, you can only nod, too scared to even stand. He sweeps you into his arms, and you have a passionate kiss, relationship fixed, because all guys have nightingale syndrome or something.

    5.First date
    And this is a HUGE issue, causing much drama and indecisiveness, such as "what outfit do i wear?" "how can i impress him" "i don't want to embarrass him" with usually him/her being late to meet up, but that's ok because waiting shows how much you love each other.

    actually this probably happens in real life, but hey, i guess romance works like that. Some parts have to be true. although the cause for lateness is usually late wake ups, or something unfortunate like preparing younger brothers for school, doing family laundry or missing buses.

    6. Kiss in the rain
    Again, an adorable cliche that probably happens in most forms of romance comedies. Don't know how a day can start so beautifully sunny for the main to wear a scanty summer dress then end in a thunderstorm where the mains huddle up in a park/church and hide and come out when it drizzles and share a romantic kiss.

    7. possessive pets with personalities that hate humans especially girlfriends/boyfriends
    Not to mention, causing embarrassing issues like pulling up/dow skirts/shirts/dresses etc to expose underwear. And why are the pets so possessive anyway? Although some dogs are insane (cough roger's rapist dog) it's not because they love their master sooooooo much they see anyone else as a threat/ Its just a bit stupid.

    8. visiting the boyfriend/girlfriends parents who embarrass said boyfriend/girlfriend with baby photos
    Although I honestly have to say, if a 13 year old brought their girlfriend home after a long date of amusement parks and ice creams, to meet the parents, i rather thought the response would be "WTF YOU'RE 13 YEARS OLD AND YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND???" rather than "awww she's sooo cute, you should see my boy's baby photos where he's in the bath and he's naked, isn't that soooo adorable???" Seriously. Who does this? My parents would probably sit the guy down and start interviewing him. "how old are you?" "what do you believe in?" "what political party do you support?"
    "what do you want to do when you grow up?" "What were your yearly results?" Not this "awwwww you're sooo adorable together! Did you have fun on your date??? OooohAlysha's naked baby photos???" ... Actually thinking about this, I'm kind of glad they wouldn't do that.

    side note: why does everyone have these naked-baby-in-the-bath-photos??? seriously. Where did this custom begin? how? when people were like "i have a baby, it's naked and in the bath, i should take pictures of it and risk damaging my camera through water damage for the sake of snapping some awfully embarrassing yet potentially adorable photos." ???? who thinks like that?

    9. Love interest tutors girl to do well in exams
    Because obviously, the main love interest is so perfect in every way, that when he finds out his girlfriend is getting 20's in her exams and has to stay behind for summer school so they can't spend any time together, he frantically uses his top-of-the-school study style to immediately push her up to 90% or higher.

    And this study regime usually involves late nights at his house, late nights at her house, falling asleep while being tutored, etc etc etc. And of course, the 'rewards' for doing well in practise papers; the kisses on the cheek, on the lips on the forehead, on the hand, literally anything. Except food of course. Because rewards always involves kissing. or slightly more than that. whatever.

    10. "i'll definitely get you to fall in love with me!"
    I find this quote a bit ridiculous. Usually at the beginning of a manga where a class clown/playboy/gangster type comes on to the protagonist (not the slut, cause that would just make her jump on him lol) and she refuses his advances. At which point, he usually either does a dramatic pose or pushes her against the wall and cries "i'll definitely get you to fall in love with me!" Supposedly this is supposed to display his ultimate sincerity and effort towards her, but quite frankly i think it's more demanding, potentially stalkerish and very childish.

    But that's how Japanese women like their men.

    11. Get kidnapped by a bunch of angry guys for angering them in a stupid way
    Eg. You're in a shopping mall, and you see a bunch of gangsters trying to steal something. Being the good, noble, stupid person you are, you tell this large group of scary looking, muscular, gangster-like males to shove off, saving the store owner maybe $10 bucks, of which he probably gets shoplifted everyday, since his security is so bad. The group, infuriated, move away. You think you've saved the day, problem, solved. You walk away.


    Because suddenly out of the blue while you're walking down the street the same group of gangster guy grab you and decide to 'give you trouble', usually in the form of naked photos or something equally ridiculous. Where then the boyfriend or the soon-to-be boyfriend will come in and save her.

    Discussing this with michelle, she correctly pointed out that these guys could potentially get life sentences due to aggravated sexual assault in company. just saying.

    12. Exes are manipulative, bullying twits
    You know, from personal experience, ex relationships can be perfectly civil. So painting the ex as a crazy physco bitch who hires rapists to attack the new girlfriend is a bit over the top.

    13. Fan clubs for the male love interest
    "Do you really think you're good enough for blah-sempai? How dare someone like you just go out with him like that? Don't you know he belongs to everyone?"

    And yes, this is not about some actor or singer, this is for some regular boy in the high school. wtf. Just because a guy is good looking, does not mean there's a horde of screaming fan girls who get angry when he gets a girlfriend. At least, not publicly anyway.

    14. Amusement Parks
    The best places for dates, apart from zoos and aquariums. Apparently. Actually i don't see that as a bad thing, but they always go to the haunted house so the girl can be scared out of her wits and jumps on the guy for support, and somehow finish the day on the Ferris wheel.

    15.They get married in the end
    (you will have noticed that i'm just writing things as they come to mind, so it's not in order)
    Really, no offence, how many couples in 8th grade actually end up marrying? Or, even worse, 6th grade? (yes i have seen that one. yes it is adorable, but also slightly weird.)

    16. Conflict of love interests
    The rich boyfriend's father owns a company, and he has a fiance. The beautiful childhood friend comes back declaring her love. The ex appears (for either side). Some random beautiful transfer student attempts to snatch him away. It's all for the drama and we know they won't end up together. :)

    17. The main love interest buys her a gift
    Maybe a necklace, maybe a hair pin. Something small and probably cheap, unless he's some rich guy with a family line of hotels. It doesn't matter though, cause you'll think it looks awesome due to sparkles and bubbles.

    18. Protagonist loses said gift and spend a whole night looking for it
    And she probably lost it due to her nobly helping someone out or because some bitches stole it. And she'll spend a whole night, especially during rain or snow, to find this object. And then, of course, she'll get sick. Which leads to my next point.

    19. Fevers and illness
    "They say that when someone is sick they become enchantingly beautiful..."

    Um, hell no. Being sick is gross. Your nose gets all red, stuff drips out, your eyes are puffy, when you speak you sound like you're a man/dying, your sweaty, your hair clings to your forehead, and no one wants to get near you, except your parents. Maybe.

    Not so in shojo manga. In shojo manga, being sick means getting a fever, where your sweat glistens prettily and your eyes are somehow bigger than usual. Due to the heat, your face is flushed, but that's alright, it looks like a mild blush. Sick makes you pale, so your skin is lighter, clearer, shinier than ever. You can talk normally and usually you require congee and ice packs, which of course, your parents don't provide you with, but your boyfriend does. And he usually kisses her too, because she's so sick she can't wake up and he has to pass her water through mouth-to-mouth, or because she's just "so damn cute when she's flushed." Oh, and when the ordeal is over, you can even lose weight because you did nothing but sleep.

    Being sick in shojo manga seems like the way to get guys. Who needs beauty treatments! Just get sick!

    20. Beach
    Mostly fan service, because the beach is where you can walk around half naked and it doesn't matter. (Y) More importantly, female readers want to see the male protagonists solid, muscular but slim body with no shirt on and just some board shorts.

    Beach is always, real life and in shojo manga, preceded by dieting. But in shojo manga, dieting also means instant breast increase and instant waist decrease. Just like to point it out, it doesn't work that way. But hey, being that scantily clad means people get:

    21. Nosebleeds
    Some how in Japan, nosebleeds basically mean "DUDE YOU'RE THINKING OF SOMETHING DIRTY HAWHAWHAW" or that someone is just too damn attractive.

    I get nosebleeds cause of heatstroke. What about you?

    22. Valentines & white day
    A huge deal in Japan, where girls give chocolates to people they love on Valentine's, and guys can reply be giving chocolates on white day. Actually a normal sort of thing, but it's blown into a HUGE DEAL, because blah-sempai has to bring 3 garbage bags worth of chocolate back home.

    23. Christmas & new year
    Christmas in Japan, as I understand it, is not an actual public holiday. However, the spirit of Christmas is still there, because everyone still celebrates it, according to shojo manga. And so, Christmas must be spent with your boyfriend as a romantic occasion for two; watching snow sculpture events, christmas couple specials, home made buche noels, etc etc.

    24. Part time jobs to make money for dating
    Dating. It's an expensive enterprise. Having to buy presents, pay for dates can take a lot out of an ordinary high schooler's wallet. Naturally one would need a part time job to supplement this. Oh drama.

    Most of the time our protagonist will find herself in shady places such as maid cafes, cosplay cafes, even beach side bikini cafes, because as previously mentioned, cosplay brings out the best in you. If they manage to secure themselves at an ordinary supermarket cornerstore or fast food store, they usually will have a mean manager, a bitchy co worker, or have a school that doesn't allow part time jobs, and much drama is established from that.

    25. Bubbles, flowers, sparkles and feathers
    Not exactly a plot function, but they are essential to any manga. Functioning as a backdrop effect more than anything else, bubbles, flowers, sparkles and feathers indicate when moments are sweet, when someone is good looking, when people are happy, etc. Simply put, they set the mood.

    26. Parks are always available and nearby for your convenience
    Need somewhere to cry? A secret meet up location? A mood setter? Somewhere to finish a date? Or do you simply need to shelter from the rain? All parks are handy and close to main characters houses, located just for your convenience. Take use of swings for when you are depressed, hidey hole shelter things for cover and secrecy, and pagodas and benches for a romantic feel.

    27. Kissing wounds
    When our female protagonist gets hurts, the boyfriend will always be there to kiss it better. Or if it's a burn, to suck on it. Dunno why, it just does.

    AND that's all i can think of for now.

    Have a good day kids

    Hello, Goodbye.

    Well 2011 is ending. It's only 20minutes away till 2012.

    And with 2012 will bring new challenges, new choices, new memories and hopefully new friends.

    But i guess i should look back at 11 things of 2011 and the awesomeness it contained.

    1. 2011 French trip.
    Although I did loose money, and spent heaps, I think it was worth it. Forging new friendships, forever lasting moments. Getting lost on a rainy night in Paris, loosing it on a snowy mountain, climbing the never ending staircase of the arc de triomphe, feeling the love of my host family, rushing lunches to zoom to the school library for that free hour of internet connection and msn, meeting Regine, meeting Quatarian royalty and my first snowfall. I learnt much, lost much, and loved much. Thanks for all the people that made the trip for me.

    2. Meeting Milly (and all the rest of the new kids. not that i love you less or anything.)
    Actually an amazing and significant part of this year. The girl who has become part of my school life and can't really imagine it without her now. :) As well as Crystal, Anahita, Dayanan & Nick, i'm really glad i got to know all you guys, you make me smile :)

    3. Actually having to take school seriously.
    Although i can't really remember much of anything other than term 4 in terms of study, i have a vague recollection of actually trying hard for the first time in school. Although i still slept throughout most of legal haha. (still do) But actually having subjects you choose and the amazing fact the NOT EVERYONE DOES MATH. Also it was a great conversation starter in the beginning of the year. "so what subjects do YOU do?"

    4. KYCK 2011
    "BROOKLYN BROOKLYN WE GO HARD", discussions of what Christianity really means, prank calls and fuzzy wuzzys, as well as serious asmathic attacks and other related drama.

    5. Prefecture
    Which is insane.

    6. Apple related products
    Or really, just my phone. i don't know how i lived without it.

    7. Intense library study sessions
    Where i don't think i actually studied much, if i think back to castle hill library sessions. Although i can't really forget how much laughter was involved, including year round birthday diaries, hermits, superheros, halloween parties in libraries and a series of photographs that should not ever be shown to others outside the knowledge circle.

    Also where self study and self + 1 study in Parramatta library, where i am now such a familiar face the librarians know my name and i even recommended Jacaranda for the study section and they took my advice. Wacky.

    8. Formspring
    Where the craziness of gradelove lead to a few formspring accounts which lead to like a bajillion and 5. Not really. But alot.

    9. Semi formal
    I'M ON A BOAT.

    10. General Ruse relations (OBB & musical), online gaming (em, risk and that one sketch/online pictionary thing)
    Meeting new people :)

    11. Baulko live aid & other perfomances
    Although what i mostly remember of live aid was the intense organisation, the second thing i remember was the sheer terror of performing with a guitar. Also much much later with a ukulele, but that was a bit more entertaining.


    I finished to watch the fireworks and countdown with my family, but i came back to think about 2012 itself.

    And it's here. The year of HSC.

    But i guess we should remember, it's also the last year of high school. So i hope that this year i won't flip out too much and treasure every moment i have at school, at make use of this year to the max.

    New year resolutions? Some. :) But their mostly incredibly weird and emotional, apart from DO NOT FAIL HSC. haha.

    Makes me think of new year's eve, the movie. Can't believe it was the zeffron. Did not recognise him at all. Until the credits. HAH.


    Goodbye 2011. Thankyou for making me smile, cry, think, laugh and be happy in general. I'll always remember you.