Wednesday, August 29, 2012

prefect assissant advert

Dunno if you go to Baulko or not, but if you do, this is the reason why you should buy me as your Prefect Assisstant at the auction! (lol this is the full version that got cut down.)

Btw the fulll video of everyone (dudes, buy me, i'm way cooler)  is here.


Sunday, August 26, 2012

Fantasy Lands and Milk Pudding :)

So despite being ridiculously sick, thanks to my miraculous healing powers, i mangaged to overcome the nasuea and feverish friday evening with 18 straight hours of sleep (broken by the occasional drinking of chinese herbal crap and swallowing tablets and drinking rivers dry) to stagger out of the house on saturday to go to USYD and UTS open day.

Although i did miss out on Spring Fling, which is kind of sad.

To be perfectly honest though, having gone to USYD yesterday only affirmed my original decision: if not USYD law/arts, then USYD arts and then transfer.

I went to a  moot court session! It was amazing!  But everyone around me found the entire process incredibly boring, yet i was continually excited by every rebut and mention of a legal case.

I told this to my dad and he said "good. guess you haven't got that much competition after all" haha.

Also, the only thing i can say about UTS is that it's really very... fun looking. haha. Their open day was like a festival.

I liked the balloons :)

Also, it was nice to keep running into people that I knew all around USYD and stuff. Also, when i went to catch the train, i ran into some baulko kids literally waiting at for the train. So cool haha.

Although i literally came home and was so dead, i just collasped into bed and slept for another like 12 hours.

One thing i hate about being sick is that you can't breathe through your nose when you have a blocked nose. So you have to breathe through your mouth. It feels kinda wrong.

It also makes eating rather uncomfortable.

Today was pretty crazy, awesome lecture on Hebrews 5:11 to 6:12. Was scarily relevent to me... haha. But then, any passage on laziness and diligence, as well as leadership and development of faith probably would relate to any teen :p

What i liked about today was i got to go shopping for snacks :3

Bought some awesome japanese food, one i ate at the park and the other at home JUST NOW IT WAS SO TASTY.

 FIRSTLY, if you haven't been to fuji pan i really do recommend it. It's a super cute japanese bakery near chinatown that sells a large assortment (though perhaps not as large as breadtop) of asian buns. BUT it had what i've wanted to try for a long time: Japanese Melon Bread! Having read about it in mangs for so long I've been dying to try it, and now i finally have!

It kinda reminds me of Asian "pinapple" bread, but not sticky. It's really nice though! :)

Also, i had this just then, it's awesome! Eastwood Breadtop. (My mum went grocery shopping and i got hungry, so i bought a red bean bun and this to take home.) It's so cute, it came in it's own bottle and all, i couldn't resist.

And it tasted AMAZING, SO GOOD. Will probably be bought whenever i can get my hands on it haha. I have to learn how to make it...

Anyway. That's it on food.


So today we had FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT!!!!!! We watched John Carter.
And regardless of reviews it got (they were all pretty bad), my mum and I both agreed it was AWESOME. (Which is quite rare, we both usually don't like major movies and can predict the plot line.) There was this CRAZY TWIST and we were both like asodigjsoainrhwawieuphgaweirng!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I wish it did better, i would have LOVED a second movie.

Now i really want to read ALL the books :p

anyway, i should sleep soon.

Here's an awesome Doctor who/Avengers thing i saw that made me smile.
Dawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, Doctor Who, the ultimate wingman. :)

Bye guys!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012



Also, super happy I handed in my stupid hsc english extension 2 thing. gosh.

Looking forward to prefect afternoon tea tomorrow :)

Well, am currently working on my logbook.

I thought i should post another one of my lame comics from my english ext 2. The old and not as englishy version ends differently, but meh.

The original one ended at "that wat no one will actually read it." But apparently it wasn't englishy enough, so Bob me add the rest lololol.




here's some celebrationary images

 oh gosh those angels...



Thursday, August 16, 2012

Song star moment

So i'm going crazy with ext2 english.

anywhere, here's an awesome, relaxing song to listen to if you feel crazy.

I kind of love it, am listening to on repeat now.

Who knows, i might just cover it :p

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


One of my favourite online tee shirt stores are having a massive sale :)

It's called Threadless, and if you haven't heard about it before, it's basically a site where you submit your artwork, and if it reaches a certain level of votes, its printed into a tee and sold, and the original designer gets most of the money back.

Cool huh?

Click on the image for a link btw

Well, I'll be going now, i might actually talk about something later today. Probably not.



Tuesday, August 14, 2012



although i'm still not free askjasdghaosiunvaowisgn cause i have drama and ext2, but hey! i don't have to see  stupid exam centre vibe anymore. I swear, that room was so much less menacing for trivia night :p

anyway, i basically didn't study for legal, so i think i did pretty badly lol. I just made up things for my two essays. Oh well. At least i sort of answered the question. Maybe.

I did pretty badly in 2nd drama essay though. ergh.

Oh well.

So instead of thinking of that, or my ext2, or my drama prac, i shall instead think of cool happy thoughts, like what i will do after exams!

For example, i could watch doctor who and read manga again, insteading of studying.

Oh wait, i'm doing that anyway.

King of hard work!


At any rate, i'm looking forward to Live Aid, but i have a bit of a feeling i will suck haha.

here's some amazing girl i found today

I really liked her arrangement, it was really cool :D

So yes.


I really wanted to buy the $10 lantern set, i've wanted it for so long... alas i have no cash. aha.

It's ok. I'll get 3 jobs after i do hsc. Then i can online shop as much as i want. >:D


I have become quite the Etsy addict. I check it periodically every 3 or so hours.

Unfortunately, all the people that appear to make good doctor who/nerd stuff either live in England or Ameria.

Are there no arty geeks in Australia?????????

Anyway here's some of the cool stuff i found.

I  know, I have weird tastes.


Have fun guys!

Sunday, August 12, 2012


sho cute!!!

And Matt Smith was just... dawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww so cute


 weirdest video ever. me and my siblings and just running around screaming "OPPA GANGHAM STYLE"

Also i thought, since i don't wanna do math, i'd do a survey lol.

Stole this from RL, like every other survey i do. (Where do you find these?)

Tell about the best day of your life.
They day i was born? That's a pretty good day...

Maybe the day that i finally meet the doctor lol. it's future, but it'll happen.

The most heartbroken you have been, tell the story.
Erm, probably when i found out in like 2nd grad that the people i thought were my friends weren't and they were sending mean stuff around in like letters... yeah.

What were you like as a child?
Weird. Similar and different to what i am now. Though i can look back and see why i became this way haha

I guess as i kid i was super shy with people, unless i decided i liked them after the first few minutes. First impressions were vital with me when i was a kid.

Also, i was really bookwormy. (Still am, but not in public) i used t cross the street while reading, probably the most baddass thing i ever did.

The best thing that ever happenned to you? 

Maybe getting into baulko? i have friends now lol.

probably going to france lol.
Post a song that you can’t stand.
Most songs i hate, i get them stuck in my head, so then i end up somewhat coming to terms with them... its weird.

in general though, i hate dubstep. i don't even consider it music.

Post a song that you used to love.
I used to listen to this on repeat for hours... 

Post a picture of you smiling.

SO this is me and my bro, a while ago.
we like our food.

8 reasons to hate you.
1. I'm quite the cynical, sarcastic kid. i can rip people apart with words.
2. I'm notorious for my tendancy to 'flake'
3. I'm VERY lazy

4. If I acutally decide to meet you somewhere outside of school, i will 100% be late
5. I have a tendancy to rant
6. I'm super arguementative
7. I get bored of people. I don't like people. I can only stand so long outside of my house without wanting to go home.
8. I'm not good at conversing with people I don't like.

7 things you have in your bed.
1. My pillow
2. My second pillow

3. My blanket
4. My second blanket.
5. My pajama top
6. My pajama bottom.

7. My electric blanket.

I get cold at night.

6 things you can’t live without
1. My bed
2. My sleep
3. My phone
4. My family
5. My food
6. People. Sometimes. Some people more than others. I guess I should say friends instead.

Pour your heart out in two paragraphs.


I'm done.

Your favorite book and why?

Probably the Hobbit.
It's something i can read and always want to read till the end, no matter how many times i've read it.

5 movies you recommend.
1. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
2. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
3. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
4. Anything Disney (I'm feeling like Lilo and Stitch right now.)
5. Something Potter. Or Underworld. I don't know. lol.

4 ways to win your heart.
1. Be smarter than me. I know it kinda sounds obnoxious, but i don't think i could like someone who isn't smarter or at least as smart as me. what would we talk about? It's a big thing for me, i guess. Because i need to be able to argue without worrying about hurting them, but also to hear a logical arguement back. And they can't just shut my point down without given me a reason. I hate that.
2. Proportionate geekiness. They have to at least like 60% of my list of geeky. Preferably like the same kind of RPG/strategy games i do lol.
3. Christian. haha
4. Musical. or at least, likes similar music? I dunno. I would love to have someone to jam with.

How you see yourself by the end of your year

Do you believe in love at first sight - why?
Nope. Cause that's so superficial. 

A song that makes you cry
There's only ever been one song that i tear up every time.

1 thing you want to do before you die.

Favorite type of music.
Punk rock.
Alternative rock.
Or anything that has amazing guitar - acoustic or electric, i don't mind.

Give 15 tips to your followers to get through life.
Fifteen is a lot. This may end up as a bunch of crap.

1. Don't give a crap about what people say about you. Haters gonna hate.
2. You don't need maths in high school. or sciences. don't do them. they're evil.
3. Sleeping is the best thing you can do.
4. Note there is no around after sleeping in that suggestion.
5. Get a job.
6. Read a book sometimes. They're nice.
7. Get along with your siblings, if you have them. or try to at least. cause blood is thicker than water?
8. Food does not need to be expensive to be good.
9. You should not place value on yourself through you husband (AHEM RH)

10. watch doctor who. it's worth it. (Shut up JJ)
11. Don't mindlessly hate stars. Why does everyone hate Jusitn Beiber?
12. Learn another language. If you already speak 2 languages because of your nationality, learn another. Languages are good.

13. Don't become a cat lady.
14. Play games, but not like those crazy koreans who end up dying.
15. I know this maybe annoying to some, but believe in Jesus... cause it really takes a weight off your shoulders. In my opinion anyway.

Favorite place on earth.
My room haha

Seven fears/phobias. 

1. Big Dogs
2. Thunder
3. squeaky doors when i'm home alone
4. falling into the gap between the train and the platform
5. the dark (after i've watched a particularly frightening doctor who episode)
6. Math tests
7. the future, because of what it can hold

Two things you wish you could do.
1. Speak lots of languages. like 5.

2. Compose music better.

10 things (not people) that make you happy.
1. eating something i've been craving for a while.

2. Doctor who.
3. just jamming with my sister
4. baking
5. afternoon light at the park, with the natural breeze and all
6. writing/playing/listening to music
7. manga
8. gaming lol
9. petrichor
10. looking at old photos 

yup so thats that!

bye guys.

Saturday, August 11, 2012


So instead of doing ext2eng or ext1maths, i'll make a post.

So my mum got a pottermore account today, just to find out which house she's in, since my siblings and i all had beta accounts.

Just so you know, my brother and I are Ravenclaw kids, and my sis is a Hufflepuff.

To which a large amount of jokes go.

Especially since we all can never find things, so when my sister always found our stuff and complained, we are all just like...
ehe hehe heh...

Anyway, so well all thought and discussed for a while (cause getting to the sorting part takes for ever) about what house our mum would potentially be in.

We all decided it would defs not be gryffindor (i dare say that no one in my family is particularly brave lul) and we thought for sure she'd be a slytherin.

And then she got sorted.

And she was a Hufflepuff.

and me and my bro were like
because my mum was all
my sister was like...
"Mum can't be in Hufflepuff, she can't find things."

 Also,   just for the Starkids...
I congradulate anyonewho is born on the 21st March - 20th April, and for them to wait for someone who is a 10, "because you're worth it."

Also cangradulations to those born on 22nd June - 22nd July, you are a "sexy humanitarian(?)" [it's been a while since ive watched.]


Also was watching the goblet of fire again recently, and at the dragon scene i was all:

 hehe. Am learning to play on guitar. It's hard...


onto more potter-ness, i REALLLY WANTED TO SEE THIS   
but i think it has bad times for HSC kids. :(

Am quite the depressed.

anyway, to close with the immortal words of Doctor Who.

(you may now read the closing theme song.)

DOOO WEEEEE OOOOOOH (dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dummmmm) DOOO WOOO OOOOOOOH (dum dum dummmmm dum dudududmmm dum dum dummmmm) WOOO OOOH OOOOOH OOOOOOOOH OH OHHHHHHHHH OOOOH OOOOOOO........ DOOO WEEEEE OOOOOOH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (dum dum dum dadadadadaddum!)

Friday, August 10, 2012

well it's been a while.

Hello. So I've been gone for a long time now, and i figure i should post something, so i'm going for something light hearted and not exam related at all. 

Starting with a pop culture doctor who reference in a 2001 Kit Kat commercial.
I wonder if it's super nerdy that the only thing i recognise in the video is the daleks....

eh he he.

anyway, props to this top comment:

Which would be kinda awesome.

(Skip this whole segment if you don't like doctor who. you weird people.)

Like for example, a small contingent of Daleks escaped from the void and took over the Kit Kat factory and are using their wafer part bits to hide tiny atomisers that once absorbed will have a reaction in the human body and cause them to create huon energy, allowing the daleks to return on masse.

or something silly like that.

OH and today i was watching this episode of Ben 10 with my brother, it was actually a pretty cool episode, obeying the laws of sci-fi and all, with the concept of an alternate dimension weapon.

So the evil alien dude cut ben's hand with the omnitrix of with an alternative dimensions weapon, which sent Ben's hand to the "null void," which, like in all a sciffy universes with alternate dimensions, was the space between dimensions area.

Anyway, when trying to get it back, Gwen asked Kevin if it was possible to retrieve his hand. So Kevin says:
"Just reverse the polarity!"
and i immediately stood up and shouted
 "OF THE NEUTRON FLOW!!!!!!!!!!!"


(Physics kids is that even possible?)

Actually i had a dream about doctor who the other day which involved the Doctor and Amy at a picnic with  Rory not even in sight, which at first was confusing, and then we realise madame Korvain set a trap for the Doctor , where all any's friends were robot replicas (like the ones in the big bang 2) and creating replica TARDIS machines, of which were NOT bigger on the inside and contained bombs, and Amy was able to sense which one was the real one, but then as the TARDIS was flying away there was a shot of the REAL AMY AND RORY FIGHTING THE PEOPLE WHO CAUGHT THEM AS THE FAKE TARDISES ALL BLOW UP!!!!

And then the Doctor knew its a fake Amy Robot all along, and reprograms the robot by linking her to the Real Amy's thoughtstream, but it's not actually the Real Amy's thought stream, just the way the real amy would think, (sort of like the flesh which goes independent.) and the fake amy that has the real amy's thought patterns and comforts the doctor, saying she knew it would be fine cause the doctor was going to find the real amy.

And so now when they travel around time, the Doctor realises all these fake amys are everywhere (THEY WERE IN SYDNEY IN MY DREAM LOL) and they had to fight a fake amy

and then i woke up.

and i was sad.

almost as good as a real fuggin episode.



 I was on 9gag a LONG time ago and i wanted to post about this but i never did so i will now.

Anyway, all these comments were like "lol how pretty."

and then the other half of the comments were people like me, who thought "who ever did this to a beautiful old white antique baby grand should be hung and quartered and burned and then have their remains burned and the de-atomised."

 Really. It's my ideal piano.

Turned into a fracking water feature.

I wept.

Also, seeing as ext2 is due soon, and i don't think i'll end up using it, i'm putting up one of the comics i think im cutting out.

Seeing as it will never be seen otherwise.




(Squiggles are cool)