So today we went up to Kensington to buy stuff for my mum (house stuff) and i went all drooly over the various baking equipment they had there.
One of the suprisingly quite few reasons i want to move out is the excitement at having my own kitchen to bake in and cook in and fill with fabulous cooking utensils that will allow me to make fabulous non-asian foods ie european, namely french. Although i will definately own a wok and a rice-cooker lol.
The only reasons i want to move out is no limit to what time i can come home, travel times thus less transport fees and more space cos no joke my room is a matchbox. though the lists of why i don't want to move out is limited to two reasons: Can't afford it and (sometimes) can't be bothered. Or even i think i'll get lonely.
But back to my dream kitchen.
I know it's rather feminine and stereotypical and most things I'm against but the fact remains that the first thing any woman assesses when she takes a sticky beak around someone's house is how nice the kitchen is. Doesn't matter how big the house is, or how nice it is. Even if the place looks like a dump, if you've got a large kitchen with marbled benchtops, stove, massive oven, large fridge and freezer and large pantry, the price of your house will go up considerably. Not to mention I will be drooling.
If you're wondering about the marble benchtops, it's because you can do anything to marble and it won't stuff it. As long as you keep it clean, you can even eat on it. It makes a perfect cutting board and rolling board for pastries and doughs, my main reason for the desire for marble. Just imagine, not having to worry about your tarte pastry going off your cutting board because the whole table is a frickin cutting board :3 Ah the pastries you can make! the cookies! the breads! even your own pasta/noodles! yes the marvels of marble.
dat drool-worthy kitchen. Two ovens! The luxury! |
Quite frankly, after November the 2nd perhaps a lot of what will be going up are is a document of my cooking adventures. I am really excited about working with french foods :) probably following
this cooking blog does not help. She wants me to go back to france and move to Bordeaux and marry some french guy and have french children and grow up near a fruit farm and take the kids to pick champignons and make gateaux and Escargots à la Bordelaise every day. damn.
Anyway, back to the shopping. Since we were in Kensington, my mum and dad wanted to go visit UNSW, since that's where they studied (commerce and med) and met. (cue the ngawwwwwwwws.)
And when we drove in my dad was like "where did all the new buildings come from???" and my mum was like "well it has been 20 years..."
Then we drove around campus for a bit and they pointed stuff out eg "look its the roundhouse! Alysha, as an arts student that where you'll be all the time, bumming around and being useless."
And then my dad turned a corner and was disappointed. He told us "there used to be a wall here with plants. When i was your age your yehyeh (grandpa) took me around UNSW to reminisce too (he did civil engineering). And at this spot, your mama (grandma) got out of the car and stole some plants and then we went home."
And i just cracked up.
Anyway, so we went walking around after that to find lunch and after lunch we passed a st vinnies where i saw this
eccly!!!! | |
And i kinda went ballastic, went straight in, picked it up and then opened it.
And it was bigger on the inside.
you will notice my ukulele in the corner. ignore that, when i got home i photographed it on my extremely messy table. |
Also we can now watch it with subtitles. My mum can finially understand what they're saying; sometimes they speak too fast and then she has no idea what's going on :3
Also, it was SO CHEAP ON $11, arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i'm so happy :3
Also got a portsmans check skirt $15, a red wool sweater $8 and eldest (eragon series) for $4. (only had brisingr, missing eragon and inheritence) :D
Also, got a formal dress. $45. SCORE!
Also, today my church handed me my HSC pack, which is a clear pencil case full of lollies and a little booklet thing with messages for us :) And everyone's is personalised as well . :3 so nice of them :D
I decided to do AND FINISH NaNoWriMo this year :) I've even got an idea from a weird dream i had. So I made an account and everything :) Hopefully this yead i can do it :D
Anyway, i really ought to be working, but i'm not. So i shall.