Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Walking back while sun setting :)
Last few days...

I bought more stuff at op shop again. $5 patterned dress and $5 chambray shirt :)

The problem with buying regularly at an op-shop is that I now have a desire for EVERYTHING I BUY to be around op-shop prices.

Like i can't buy a nice $50-now-$30 dress without thinking "but i could get a dress from vinnies for less..."

op-shop hazard


Accounting was terrible.

That's all I have to say.


Is anyone else extremely confused about the timetables? I'm not sure what I'm supposed to book for next semester. :/

We don't chose the subject's we've already completed right? But you know how accounting is part 1A, does that mean there's a part 1B? I'm very confused.


Today I saw a bunch of cool baulko people, JL, MS, DL, DM, and we played Saboteur.

Was possibly the coolest break I've had in uni.

Thanks guys :)


I got snapchat, and it's actually kind of fun :) But i'm still quite addicted to gifboom. My sister saw me use i and said it was like a moving version of instagram without the insane amount of people.

She has lots of followers, she's just too pretty.


Made kimchi soup for dinner, because it's simply TOO COLD.

Twas actually quite nice, despite roomies's reservations at spicy tolerance, they managed to eat quite alot. :)

Also I did laundry, but the clothes didn't dry on time because it was too cold and now they're hanging on the banisters.


All i neeed is a fez and i'm good.



Friday was very very weird.

If I were to put it metaphorically, everyone walks around with a tightly sealed box of secrets. And the box has many many many layers. And I feel that most people don't ever touch each others boxes. It's only if people chose to share them. And generally, I think that most people won't ever reach the centre of other people's boxes, the final tightly locked box that holds secrets people don't like to admit to themselves.

My box was accessed.

It was stupid of me, and i think i should have seen it coming earlier, but there's no going back now. The box is open and on display and now i'm not sure how to define the relationship/friendship anymore.

Most relationships have like barriers. A limit to how connected and how much you understand about someone. There are things that, despite all the time and closeness you share with someone, you'll never find out about them unless they choose to share it with you.

There was no choice in this. It just happened.

And I would take it back in a heartbeat, if just to go back to a semi-normal stasis of relationship.

I don't really now how to approach this anymore.

When you know so much about someone, where is the line? The barriers are down and I'm not sure if i feel comfortable being so exposed. It's scary. And I don't know where this is going to lead.


In CBS today we were talking about what Christian relationships should be (Ephesians 5:22 - 6:9) and it personally made me wonder about Christianity and feminism.

Like i don't think radical feminism and Christianity can harmonize.

Because women are called to 'submit in everything' towards their husband, just as the church is supposed to submit to Christ. And thus we are meant to help them, support them, love them and give ourselves to them.

But then again, men are supposed to love women 'as Christ loved the church.' So 'he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish.' 

So it's not meant to be an exploitive relationship. Guys are supposed to lead women, but also to love and protect them, guard them and keep them holy. They wouldn't hurt them or exploit them or abuse them. And women and supposed to follow and support. But they're supposed ultimately make the Christian walk together. 

I think it's actually beautiful.

People consider me somewhat feminist, but really I only think that men and women should be treated equally, with respect and fairness. We have our differences and it's not like men and women are interchangeable  but it also doesn't mean that women are inferior to men.

But i think that you can't be a radical feminist and be Christian.

Maybe an equalist?

aha that just makes me think of avatar.

sorry for the rant >,<



  1. I like your metaphor about tightly sealed boxes of secrets!

    1. thanks! I still haven't seen you around campus t give you money for live below the line...
