Monday, October 8, 2012

Asparagus and chicken :)

So I meant to go to school today, but i didn't because i'm a lazy kid and woke up late.

Instead, i made breakfast, edited english, then made lunch.

I like cooking when I'm home alone. Because i have to work with what's left over in the fridge and the pantry. It's like mystery box challenge! Except i'm a noob lol.

It doesn't look very nice though right? But I think it tasted ok :p

I didn't have any cheese left or else i would have made a bechamel sauce :(

I was considering putting up a recpie but i cbb, it's not that impressive anyway. But it was fast, 15 minutes? With bechamel sauce would have gone up to 30. Perhaps it's better i didn't have bechamel lol.

(fry chicken till cooked with onion and garlic, remove and throw in some water, steam asparagus till it turns dark green, then throw in cooked pasta. Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil [i used my lemon infused invention], season with salt and pepper to taste. )


Also, got this new camera app that kinda works like those sticky photo things in capitol.

Look, i shall use my lunch as a demonstration.

Yup. Just makes everything that much cuter. :)

OK back to english i go.

Speaking of english , does anybody know if we have to wear school uniform? Or can we rock up in our own clothes?

Good luck everybody, not much longer.

1 comment:

  1. Ugh, me too (the going to school and failing to wake up)
    I couldn't sleep last night, because I couldn't stop thinking of LIFE AFTER HSC.
