Thursday, October 25, 2012

Never again will maths be done.

I'm actually super happy that math is over. OVER! I WILL NEVER HAVE TO DO MATH AGAIN!

I thought the paper was about the same as a school paper, but i always thought school papers were tricky anyway.

I have a feeling 3U math won't count for me :p.

Oh well.


My internet came back! I'm super happy.

Also, i found this site whilst i was browsing around, it's a definite laugh guarenteed, especially if you like cats. Make it rain domestic animals! (If you click the make it rain button it has a sound effect.)

I kept it open on a tab and i laughed everytime i opened it. It's so stupid. Maybe i'm stupid. I dunno.

Cats are cute. I remember when i stayed in France, my host family had a cat. It slept on my bed. I wasnt sure if it was supposed to or not, but i think she knew she could take advantage of me because i thought she was cute.

Cats are smart.

Please dont let me turn into a cat lady.


It was really hot today. One thing i like about hot weather is that if you leave the washing on the line and forget to take it down before it turns dark, it's ok because the clothes don't get damp. :)


I saw this and laughed, because that might happen to me if i was a companion.

Then again, i might be too paralysed with fear.

 Bye guys!

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