Tuesday, October 16, 2012


It's so hot today. Put ice in my cup and I checked it like 5 minutes later AND THE ICE WAS ALL GONE :O :O :O :O

Went to get my dress adjusted, I'm too small for it lol. Americans and their sizing. I got confused :p


I should be working but i'm not. :p

I saw this thing on the internet called a rain room. Pretty frickin awesome. Apparently it uses some computer thing to tell where you are, so when you walk through the room, you never get wet, although everywhere around you it's raining. Crazy.


My mum loves watching afternoon tv, all those talk shows and such. And there is this one called Dr Oz.

And he was like, pushing this amazing dude where he lost like 40kg and his cholesterol went down by half and my mum was like WOW.

And then he said "I went vegan"

And then my mum was like "We're going vegan!"

And I was like "... crap."

Vegan! How can I go vegan!

Vegetarian maybe, but not vegan.

I like my dairy too much.


How are your module studies going? :) I was in my room and I accidently bumped into my TARDIS cookie jar from the back. And then it made the TARDIS noise and I was like:

16 days till end for me!

1 comment:

  1. Please don't turn into pretentious vegan :O
    (Although i dont think I can imagine you like that)
