Friday, October 5, 2012


OMG so i was browsing internet instead of working as always when i chanced upon THIS baby:
It's a smores maker!!!!!! DUDE ISN'T IT LIKE THE MOST AMAZING THING EVER????

I remember when i first had a s'more, it was when i was in year 3 at church camp, they had a campfire and a friend gave me one... and it blew my mind.

It's better than just camp-toasted marshmellows, and it's a whole lot worse for you.

When i went home, i spent a long time trying to replicate the taste, including skewering marshmellows with chopsticks and holding it over our gas fire stove (was screamed at and kicked off), holding it over a candle (my mum kept hiding the matches after a small incident where i singed my fringe lol), and then we had this really good heater that had wire heating things ( i don't know how it works, but if you touched it you burnt yourself.)

So we ended up pressing the marshmellows super close to the wire and they went all warm and a little bit brown, but no where near the campfire version.

I want toasted marshmellows.

I wish i had a bunsen burner so we could make it haha...

but then i wouldn't have the gas to use it anyway... oh well.


So i was at dymocks the other day and my mum was looking at the biography section.

When i was younger i always got bibliography confused with biography. Now it's the other way round lol.

Anyway back on topic, it made me think: "Why would you want to buy a book about someone's life when it's all on wikipedia if they're interesting enough to get their book published anyway?"

And then i saw this on the internet lol.

And then i figured that's why people buy them.

Way better than your life: You're a nosy person and you like to know about celebs and famous people
Pretty much like your life: Voyeur. You just like to compare and wonder what you would do in their situation, especially since it's so close to yours.
Way worse than your life: One of three options
1. You read these cause you're genuinely interested in the issues that they suffered/ordeals they went through.
                          eg. domestic abuse, 3rd world problems, dealing with personal sickness/trauma whatever
2. You're looking for motivation.
                          eg. If that guy can get through that horrible thing, i can get through my HSC.
3. You just wanna feel better about yourself.
                          eg. I'm a horrible person. lol look, his wife died!

And also, i just realised biography is down the ailse for all them History and Memory kids and life writing kids.


Anyway, I haven't been studying much, and instead i was eating ice cream when my sister showed my this:


Anyway, just because i haven't for a while:


If you didn't, meh, you'll kill everything else :)

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